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csodobass music

A WACKEN is lemondta 2020-as fesztiválját

2020. április 16. - csodobass music

Számos nagyobb európai fesztivál lemondta már nyári programját. A német kormány határozata után a WACKEN OPEN AIR is lemondta idei eseményét... Németországban a nyár végéig tilos megtartani minden tömeges rendezvényt.


Dear Metalheads,

yesterday, the German government decided that due to the Coronavirus pandemic, no mass gatherings will be allowed until August, 31st 2020. We are facing an unprecented situation in our 30 years: It is with heavy hearts that we have to announce that there will be no Wacken Open Air this year.

Our whole team has been working intensively on the festival these last months and the more all of us are bitterly disappointed that we are not allowed to celebrate a Wacken Open Air with you. This administrative order affects us heavily and we will need some time to process the bad news.

Nevertheless, we support the decision of the German government in this difficult situation for the whole world. Your health and safety have always been and always will be our top priority. We as promoters are therefore bound to take an even greater responsibility and have to follow the instructions of the experts.

Concerning Wacken Open Air 2021 and options for your already bought tickets we will reach out to you asap but ask for a little bit of patience whilst we work through this. We thank you for your trust during times which are unparalleled for all of us.

Stay healthy - In Metal We Trust!

Your W:O:A Team

(forrás és képek: Wacken Open Air)

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