A Planetnoir Industries és a Roxxy Music Cafe bemutatja:
2020-ban először és utoljára, exkluzív klubkoncertet ad a legendás Tormentor (official)!
A helyszín ezúttal a tatabányai Roxxy Music Cafe!
Jegyek június 7.től kaphatóak a tixa jegyrendszerében!
Felhívjuk mindenki figyelmét, hogy a koncertre limitált jegy áll rendelkezésre, tehát aki nem akar lemaradni, annak érdemes a jegyeket minél hamarabb beszerezni!
Az este vendégzenekara a Niedergang.
2020. 09. 05. Tatabánya, Roxxy Music Cafe
Tormentor (official)
19.00 - Kapunyitás
20.00 - Niedergang
Early bird (50db) : Elfogyott
Limitált elővétel (200db) : 5990 HUF
Elővétel: 6990 HUF
On the 05th of September, 2020, first and last time this year, Tormentor will play an exclusive club show in Tatabánya's Roxxy Music Cafe along with Niedergang!
Tickets will be available from the 07th of June, online through https://tixa.hu/tormentor_tatabanya
The space will be strictly limited, so its warmly recommended to purchase your tickets NOW !!!
2020. 09. 05. Tatabánya – Roxxy Music Cafe
Tormentor (official)
19.00 - Doors
20.00 - Niedergang
Early bird (50pcs) : SOLD OUT
Limited presale (200pcs) : 5990 HUF
Presale: 6990 HUF
Some word about Tatabánya:
Tatabánya in northwestern Hungary, in the Central Transdanubian region. It is the capital of Komárom-Esztergom County.
The city is located in the valley between the Gerecse and Vértes Mountains, some 55 km (34 mi) from the capital. By virtue of its location, the city is a railway and road junction. The M1 (also European routes E60, E75) motorway from Vienna to Budapest passes through the outer city limits, and the Vienna-Budapest railway line also passes through the city. The Roxxy Music Cafe is located next to the railway station and bus station.
Esemény oldala: https://www.facebook.com/events/1191028714581277/
(forrás és képek: Tormentor)